Jordan denies that Aqaba summit is to train Palestinian security forces

26-02-2023 10:16 AM

Ammon News - An official Jordanian source to Ammon has denied reports circulated by Israeli media that the aim of the Palestinian-Israeli security meeting in Aqaba was to train members of the Palestinian national security apparatus in training camps on Jordanian territory to fight resistance factions in the West Bank.

The source dismissed the reports as false and likely originating from extremist groups who seek to escalate tensions and sabotage efforts aimed at stopping unilateral actions and military operations.

The source emphasized that the Aqaba meeting was a significant breakthrough for Jordan as it brought together Palestinian and Israeli political and security officials with regional and international attendance.

According to the source, extremist forces are opposed to political engagement that could lead to the cessation of unilateral actions. He noted that Jordan held the meeting in coordination with Palestine, with the goal of reaching an agreement to stop such actions that undermine the prospects for achieving a just peace based on the two-state solution.

Earlier reports by Israeli media had suggested that the Aqaba meeting aimed to train Palestinian security personnel in training camps on Jordanian soil.

The report further claimed that these personnel would undergo special training supervised by the US, with their mission being to fight resistance factions in the West Bank. However, Jordanian source has refuted these claims.

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