PM meets UK minister of development

23-02-2023 03:37 PM

Ammon News - Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh received Thursday the United Kingdom's Minister for Development Andrew Mitchell, who is currently on an official visit to the Kingdom.

During the meeting, Khasawneh underscored the strategic relations between Jordan and the United Kingdom, and the commitment to enhancing joint bilateral cooperation to serve the interests of the two countries and peoples.

The Prime Minister lauded the UK's support for Jordan's development efforts and for the Kingdom within the framework of working with the international community.

Khasawneh briefed the minister on the challenges facing the Jordanian economy as a result of hosting large numbers of Syrian refugees, and its impact on the budget, the health and education sectors, and the labor market, stressing the importance of the international community's ongoing support for the refugees and host communities.

He also highlighted the national comprehensive modernization project under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II in its political, economic and administrative tracks.

For his part, the British minister hailed the strategic partnership between Jordan and the UK and the commitment to boosting cooperation in all fields.

He also commended Jordan's role, under the leadership of King Abdullah, in preserving the security and stability of the region, expressing his understanding of the burdens of hosting Syrian refugees.

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