Royal Decree disapproves annulment of 2010 Civil Retirement Law

21-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMAN (Petra) A Royal Decree was issued on Monday disapproving the annulment of the temporary 2010 Civil Retirement Law which was an amendment to the 1959 law.

His Majesty King Abdullah II sent a letter to Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour, directing the government to draw up a comprehensive study on the civil retirement issue in its various dimensions to pursue justice, transparency and objectivity.

The King ordered the government to draft a new legislation that regulates the retirement issue for the members of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities and addresses distortions that resulted from repeated amendments to the current law over the past decades.

He stressed that the new legislation must ensure it is not exploited to pass unfair pensions and financial gains that do not take into account the public interest.

An informed source said the issuance of the Royal Decree is a confirmation of the King's keenness to ensure the highest degree of justice, restore balance to the basis of how pensions are calculated and to address current distortions that pressure the state's resources, and put unfair obligations on future generations.

According to the source, the issuance of the decree comes in order not allow any group to achieve personal gain at the expense of higher national interest through putting further strains on the state's treasury, especially in light of the difficult economic challenges that require everyone to rationalize spending and safeguard public money.

It also came within the required austerity approach to address the economic crisis and the budget deficit, the source said.

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