Jordan emerges as top summer destination for Qatari vacationers

01-07-2024 01:35 PM

Ammon News - Jordan is emerging as the go-to summer destination for Qatari families, with many planning their annual vacations in the Kingdom. The country's appeal extends broadly to Gulf nationals, positioning it as a premier tourist hotspot in the region.

In interviews conducted by Jordan News Agency (Petra) on Monday, several Qatari citizens highlighted their consistent choice of Jordan for yearly visits. They praised the kingdom's diverse landscape, from its captivating natural scenery to historical landmarks, mountains, and valleys. The mild climate, coupled with a pervasive sense of safety and comfort, ranks high among the factors attracting visitors, particularly those traveling with families.

They also emphasized the cultural affinity between Jordan and Gulf states, noting that Jordan's conservative Arab traditions resonate well with Gulf tourists, enhancing their travel experience throughout the country.

Describing Jordan as the top tourist destination in the Arab world and broader region, the Qatari visitors recommended it as the ideal choice for Gulf residents seeking a joyful, family-friendly, and secure holiday experience.

Furthermore, they lauded Jordan's tourism sector as the most rewarding and well-developed in the Middle East. The shared cultural values and Jordan's proficiency in catering to family-oriented tourism, they predicted, will ensure the Gulf market remains a key demographic for Jordan's tourism industry.

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