Planning Ministry hosts 3rd meeting of Development Partners Group

01-07-2024 04:30 PM

Ammon News - Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Zeina Touqan, emphasized the need for continued coordination among the international community to support development priorities and enhance Jordan's economic modernization vision (2023-2025).

Chairing the third meeting of the Development Partners Group in Jordan on Monday, Touqan expressed her gratitude to the international community for its ongoing support to the Kingdom. The group comprises representatives from donor countries, international financial institutions, and United Nations agencies.

The Development Partners Group was established earlier this year, led by the UN, World Bank, and United States Agency for International Development, to enhance collaboration and collective efforts in achieving Jordan’s modernization goals, according to the ministry’s website.

The meeting centered on reviewing the economic modernization vision and its executive program, highlighting achievements thus far within the program’s three modernization pathways, and outlining priorities for 2024. Petra

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