Ammon News - The Bornean elephant has been classed as endangered, with just 1,000 animals left in the wild, the latest assessment of threatened species has warned.
The latest update to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of threatened species also says reptile species on Gran Canaria and Ibiza are at risk of extinction because of invasive snakes.
And more than four fifths of ornamental Copiapoa cacti are now at risk of extinction, as the fashion for the plants from Chile drives an increase in the illegal trade, and climate change alters their habitat, the IUCN said.
Overall, some 45,321 of Earth’s species on the Red List – more than a quarter of the 163,040 animals, plants and fungi assessed – are considered to be at risk of extinction, either critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable, while nearly 1,000 have become extinct or are extinct in the wild.
The Independent