Land Rover owner forced to chain motor to tree to stop it being stolen

29-06-2024 11:01 AM

Ammon News - The Land Rover theft epidemic is so rife that owners are resorting to chaining their pricey motors to trees like bikes to avoid them being pinched.

Crooks are taking advantage of keyless entry to hack into Land Rovers and Range Rovers and steal the cars in seconds.

A snap taken in a London street shows one Land Rover Defender - which can cost up to £100,000 - tethered to a tree to try and deter crooks.

One witness said: "Imagine paying £100k for a motor and having to lash it to a tree like a cheap bike. Madness."

Insurance prices for the new Land Rovers and Range Rovers have gone through the roof and cops in Cambridgeshire revealed that in May, 25 of the motors were stolen from their patch alone.

One driver was quoted £10,000 to insure her Range Rover.

Sun columnist and former Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson said of the thefts: "This sent insurance companies into a tizzy and now getting cover is both expensive and tricky."

Some drivers in the capital have even found that they couldn't insure the cars and this prompted the car firm JLR to create its own insurance arm to dish out policies.

The Jaguar Land Rover UK managing director, Patrick McGillycuddy, said: “We are constantly developing our systems and security features and through our close collaboration with police, we stay ahead of any emerging methods and quickly deploy anti-theft measures.

The Sun

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