Regent attends launch of international cybersecurity competition in Amman

30-06-2024 03:01 PM

Ammon News - His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, the Regent, on Sunday attended the launch of ARMYTHON 2024 international cybersecurity competition for professionals and experts from military and security agencies, held in its second edition.

Twenty teams from 13 countries are competing in ARMYTHON 2024, taking on a range of challenges that enhance the capabilities of countering cyber threats and protecting sensitive systems and data.

Speaking at the launch of the competition, Brig. Gen. Ayman Al Batran, the chairman of the competition’s higher steering committee and director of the Jordan Design and Development Bureau (JODDB), said the bureau launches local and international initiatives aimed at spreading awareness and developing solutions in cybersecurity.

He added that JODDB’s initiatives aim to make Jordan a regional hub for building local and international partnerships, and contributing to raising awareness and exchanging expertise.

The head of the ARMYTHON 2024 organising committee and JODDB spokesperson, Rateb Abu Al Ragheb, said the three-day competition includes the participation of two teams from Kazakhstan and Australia as observers, and a team of judges from Jordan, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

He said the competition’s challenges were designed by internationally recognised Jordanian experts, in cooperation between JODDB and Princess Sumaya University for Technology, pointing out that ARMYTHON 2024 also includes specialised panels covering various fields in cybersecurity.

A number of senior officials and officers, ambassadors, and military attachés attended the competition’s launch.

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