Military horses bolt through London streets again

02-07-2024 10:33 AM

Ammon News - Three military horses from the prestigious Household Cavalry have been recovered after bolting through central London on Monday morning.

In scenes that appear to be similar to an instance in April, five soldiers were conducting a routine exercise with six horses from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, when the lead horse was spooked by a London bus.

Along with the lead horse, which was being led rather than ridden at the time, two riders were thrown from their horses as the animals ran free through the capital’s streets.

“We can confirm that whilst exercising this morning, three horses from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment became loose from their riders. They were swiftly and safely recovered,” an Army spokesperson told CNN in a statement.

“One horse received minor injuries, but no further treatment is required and there were no injuries to the soldiers involved,” the statement added.

The animals bolted from Seville Street to South Eaton Place, where one horse was recovered. Two horses continued to Vauxhall Bridge via Belgrave Road before being stopped.


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