Industry Ministry reports drop by 21% in violations over 6 months

02-07-2024 12:26 PM

Ammon News - The Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply reported a significant decrease in the number of violations recorded in the first half of the current year, with figures dropping by 606 violations, representing a reduction of approximately 21 percent. A total of 2,229 violations were recorded compared to 2,835 violations during the same period in 2023.

Data obtained by the Jordan News Agency (Petra) also indicated a substantial decline in the number of complaints received by the ministry. The first six months of this year saw 806 complaints, a decrease of about 602 complaints or roughly 43 percent, compared to 1,408 complaints in the corresponding period in 2023.

Ministry spokesperson Yanal Barmawi attributed the decline in violations to an enhanced focus on educational and advisory efforts directed at the commercial sector and suppliers of goods and services. He emphasized adherence to the provisions of the Industry and Trade Law and market-regulating legislation, alongside intensive inspection campaigns and the imposition of stricter penalties, particularly financial fines.

The ministry conducted 2,869 inspection tours in the first six months of this year, compared to 3,833 tours during the same period in 2023. These tours covered 46,591 establishments in the first half of this year, down from 57,174 establishments in the same period last year. Petra

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