Ukraine's Constitution Day: A Testament to Resilience and Strategic Triumph Amid Russian Aggression

24-06-2024 10:59 AM

Ammon News - As Ukraine prepares to celebrate Constitution Day on June 28th, this occasion symbolizes not just a legal milestone but a testament to the nation's enduring resilience and its hard won vision for the future. Amid relentless adversity from Russia, Ukraine stands undeterred, embodying the spirit of a country that refuses to be subjugated.

Russia's continuous efforts to destabilize Ukraine have consistently backfired, producing outcomes contrary to Moscow's intentions. When Russia sought to demilitarize Ukraine, it ended up provoking the development of one of the most effective and innovative military forces in the region. As of mid-2024, Ukraine's military showcases advanced command practices, battlefield strategies, and cutting-edge military designs that have drawn global attention and respect.

Moscow's attempts to halt Ukraine's progress toward NATO and EU integration have similarly backfired. Instead of stalling Ukraine's Western alignment, Russia's aggression has accelerated these processes. EU accession negotiations are in fact about to start in a couple of days. Ukraine's integration with the NATO's military and political frameworks has never been stronger, reflecting a deepened commitment from the alliance to support Ukraine against external threats.

Moscow's attempts to depopulate Ukraine have also been met with steadfast resistance. Ukrainians remain resolute, holding their ground in cities and villages despite the severe hardships imposed by the ongoing conflict. The sense of belonging to their homeland fortifies their determination, making them more resilient.

Along these achievements Ukraine's diplomatic efforts reached a pinnacle with the recent Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. The summit was a significant success, demonstrating a universal consensus of over 100 states and international organizations. The joint declaration, signed by 78 countries and four international organizations, encapsulated all fundamental positions crucial for Ukraine's sovereignty and security. The summit has unambiguously concluded that: Ukrainian nuclear power plants, particularly the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), should operate safely under the full sovereign control of Ukraine, in accordance with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) principles; that food security cannot be weaponized and Ukrainian agricultural products must be safely and freely supplied to third countries; all prisoners of war must be released through a full exchange; all deported and illegally displaced Ukrainian children and other civilians must be returned to Ukraine; the basis for a comprehensive, just, and sustainable peace in Ukraine is anchored in the UN Charter, particularly the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The declaration remains open for accession by any state or international organization that respects the UN Charter and international law. Ukraine is sure that some countries that have not signed this declaration, will soon find the courage to do so in the future. A second Peace Summit is planned within the next few months, demonstrating the ongoing commitment to a diplomatic resolution.

While Ukraine celebrates diplomatic victories, Russian military losses continue to mount, underscoring the futility of Moscow's aggression. The total combat losses of the enemy from as of June 18th, 2024 register staggering 528 thousand personnel. Think about this number for a moment. Half a million Russian soldiers, officers killed and wounded in action for the misplaced and fraudulent geopolitical dreams of one man. Furthermore, Ukrainian forces have inflicted significant damage on Russian military infrastructure, particularly in Crimea. Since May 1, 2024, Ukrainian strikes have targeted and destroyed 15 Russian S-300, S-350, and S-400 air defense platforms in temporarily occupied Crimea. These strikes have resulted in the destruction of dozens of missile launchers, over 15 radar stations, and more than 10 command posts.

Moreover, Ukrainian strikes have also decimated 28 Russian Black Sea Fleet vessels and boats. Despite ongoing repairs, Russian forces are struggling to maintain operational capabilities for their damaged ships. The cumulative impact of these losses is profound, severely degrading Russia's military effectiveness in the region. These losses reflect the heavy toll of Russia's aggressive actions and the unwavering resistance of Ukrainian forces. Each destroyed tank, downed aircraft, and incapacitated soldier symbolizes Ukraine's determination to defend its sovereignty.

As Ukraine commemorates Constitution Day, it is important to acknowledge the role of support that we get internationally. We are proud that Jordan belongs to a number of countries that actively support Ukraine, its territorial integrity and sovereignty. The fact that Jordan has contributed to the success of the inaugural Peace Summit speaks loudly where the Kingdom stands in terms of countering the Russian blatant and unprovoked aggression.

Ukraine's journey is far from over, but each step forward is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people and the enduring power of their aspirations. The celebration of Constitution Day this year is not just a reflection of the past but a beacon lighting the path toward a future where Ukraine stands strong, sovereign, and integrated into the European family.

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