Netanyahu: Iran hopes to overthrow Jordan, Saudi Arabia

29-06-2024 11:54 AM

Ammon News - Occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed during meeting with former US generals and admirals that Iran hopes to overthrow Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and that the first step to stopping their plan was to defeat Hamas.

Netanyahu told the delegation sent by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America that the ongoing “seven-front” conflict was being managed by Israel’s arch-foe Iran, which sought to conquer its regional neighbors, namely Jordan, according to the Times of Israel.

Their goal is to have a combined ground offensive from various fronts, coupled with a combined missile bombardment, Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu added that Israel also must “deter the other elements of the Iran terror axis,” referring to Iranian proxies operating in the Middle East.

He also argued that the Iran-backed alliance is “on a march to conquer the Middle East… to conquer Saudi Arabia, conquer the Arabian peninsula.”

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