Blinken: We are grateful to be such close partners with Jordan

25-05-2024 10:45 AM

Ammon News - US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on behalf of the United States of America, congratulated the Jordanian people as they commemorate the 78th anniversary of independence and the 25th anniversary of His Majesty King Abdullah’s accession to the throne.

Blinken said in a statement by the US State Department that the strategic partnership and deep friendship between the United States and Jordan, now in its 75th year, is rooted in our shared commitment to promote regional peace, security, and stability.

As President Biden has said, “the partnership between the United States and our ally Jordan is strong and it is enduring.” We deeply value Jordan’s leading role in promoting peace and security, and we are grateful to be such close partners and friends, Blinken added.

"As you celebrate Jordan’s National Day, the United States wishes the people of Jordan lasting prosperity, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah, for this year and beyond," the statement concluded.

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