Awqaf ministry warns Jordanians of Hajj without permit

23-05-2024 04:45 PM

Ammon News - Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Holy Sites warned unauthorized Jordanians to perform pilgrimage (Hajj) against violating the Saudi regulations and laws to organize this Islamic ritual, which would expose them to legal accountability.

In a statement Thursday, the ministry said decision of the Saudi authorities to bar people, who lack a Hajj visa from heading to or remaining in the Holy City of Mecca, starting Thursday, May 23, until end of the Hajj season.

The ministry also warned Jordanians from falling victim to fake campaigns and fraudulent advertisements claiming to organize trips on visit visas as suitable to perform Hajj.

The Saudi authorities had previously announced penalties against people caught in Mecca and Holy Sites without a Hajj permit.

In this regard, Saudi Arabia decided to impose a fine of 10,000 Saudi riyals (roughly JD1,890), deportation of resident violators, and a ban on entering Saudi soil for violating Hajj laws.

Additionally, penalties targeted unauthorized transporters to jail for a period of up to 6 months and a fine of up to 50,000 Saudi riyals (JD9,450), and confiscation of the means of land transportation. Petra

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