JFDA seizes unlicensed weight loss supplements promoted on social media

20-05-2024 01:23 PM

Ammon News - The Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) seized a quantity of unapproved nutritional supplements used for slimming and weight loss purposes and promoted on some social media platforms.

The JFDA's Director-General, Dr. Nizar Mhaidat, said in a press statement that hundreds of packages of these violating nutritional supplements were seized in some governorates of the Kingdom bearing various trade names:

- ‏Sliming capsules
- ‏Fat stop، Perfect body sliming
- ‏Keto
- ‏7 mix
- ‏Ginseng kianpi pil
- ‏Zeytuni

The administration also warned against purchasing the aforementioned products, emphasizing the necessity of purchasing such products from reliable establishments dedicated to selling them .

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