PSD: 26 drug dealers arrested in crackdown on drug trafficking nets

19-05-2024 01:31 PM

Ammon News - The media spokesperson for the Public Security Directorate (PSD) revealed that the Anti-Narcotics Department (AND) has been actively addressing drug-related offenses across various regions of the Kingdom.

In recent days, the AND has intervened in 9 distinct cases, resulting in the apprehension of 26 drug dealers and promoters.

A significant operation unfolded in central Amman, where 8 individuals involved in drug trafficking were apprehended during targeted raids. Substantial quantities of narcotics, intended for distribution and sale, were seized from their possession.

In a separate incident within the capital, a father and his three sons were arrested for their involvement in drug promotion and sales. Law enforcement confiscated 28 palm-sized packs of hashish, 6,000 narcotic pills, cocaine, crystal narcotics, and a firearm from their residence. Additionally, two more drug dealers were apprehended in another part of the city, with 20 packs of hashish and 2,000 narcotic pills seized.

Moving to Mafraq Governorate, three cases were handled by authorities. These included the arrest of two drug dealers found in possession of hashish, narcotic pills, crystal, and a firearm. In another case, a dealer and an accomplice were detained, with 10,000 narcotic pills confiscated. Furthermore, an Arab national was arrested while transporting narcotic substances in a vehicle, with 21 packs of hashish seized.

In Western Balqa, a targeted security campaign was conducted at four locations used for growing narcotic marijuana seedlings. Two individuals were arrested, and quantities of marijuana seedlings were seized, while efforts are underway to locate two additional suspects linked to these sites.

In Balqa Governorate, after weeks-long surveillance and strategic planning, authorities apprehended two dangerous drug dealers. They were found in possession of 36 packs of hashish and a quantity of narcotic marijuana. Similarly, in Irbid Governorate, a raid on a residential apartment led to the arrest of three dealers and the seizure of 2,500 narcotic pills, 3 hashish packs, and a firearm. Petra

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