Tunisian envoy hails 'solid' ties with Jordan

30-03-2024 01:14 PM

Ammon News - Tunisian Ambassador to Jordan, Mufida Zaribi, said Jordan and Tunisia enjoy "strong ties" under the two countries' leaderships, aimed to further strengthen and expand cooperation in various fields.

In remarks to journalists on the occasion of Tunisia’s National Day, the envoy noted the two countries aim to achieve a "distinguished" partnership, especially in this sensitive era to serve common interests.

The 10th session of the Tunisian-Jordanian Joint Higher Committee will represent an opportunity to advance cooperation mechanisms, develop volume of exchanges, and stimulate transfer of expertise in various fields, she pointed out.

Additionally, the diplomat stressed the two leaderships' keenness and their aspiration to achieve further coordination and consultation on issues of mutual interest and support of Arab issues, primarily the Palestinian cause. Petra

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