JAF denies using Jordanian military bases to transport supplies to Israel

10-10-2023 03:08 PM

Ammon News - An official military source at the General Command of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF) on Tuesday denied false allegations being circulated about the use of Jordanian military bases by the US army to transport supplies to Israel.

The source confirmed that what was circulated about the departure of US military plane from a Jordanian military base is a false claim with no basis in truth.

The plane referred to in the false allegations that were circulated on Sunday evening crossed Jordanian airspace after being granted a transit permit in accordance with the legal procedures governing international air traffic, and the transit request confirmed that it was carrying passengers and not carrying any equipment, the source explained.

The source also warned that these allegations come within the framework of smear campaigns against Jordan's firm positions and continuous efforts to serve the Palestinian cause, and the sacrifices of the Jordan Armed Forces to support the Palestinian people and their right to freedom and an independent state with sovereignty over its national territory.

The source stressed the need to take news from reliable sources and beware of suspicious smear campaigns targeting Jordan and its positions.

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