Jordanian, Iraqi, Egyptian agreements regarding solar energy, oil pipeline

20-12-2022 08:14 PM

Ammon News - *The final communique of the Baghdad conference in its second round: Iraq's security is a pillar of regional stability.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, said that the Baghdad conference, which Jordan hosted, concluded with a clear message, "confirming that we all stand by Iraq in facing all challenges, and support Iraq, its security, stability and sovereignty, which is a pillar of security and stability in the region."

Safadi added, in a press conference, that the conference achieved consensus for collective action to support brotherly Iraq by developing cooperation projects in many fields such as water and investment.

He pointed out that the final statement was issued, which reflects the state of agreement among the attendees, "that we must stand by Iraq, and what brotherly Iraq has achieved is great and requires providing all the support we can."

The Kingdom's firm position in building joint cooperation mechanisms with Iraq, based on "our security is one and our economy's achievements are magnified if we work together", Safadi said.

He stressed the importance of the tripartite cooperation mechanism between Jordan, Iraq and Egypt, which has achieved many achievements on the basis of mutual benefit, "and we look forward to holding the next summit in the Republic of Egypt next year."

He said, "The conference was held to confirm support for Iraq and to convince the existing countries that we must work with Iraq at all levels to face common challenges."

Safadi added, "Jordan concluded an agreement with Iraq to provide it with solar energy, and we are talking about an oil pipeline from Iraq to Jordan and then to Egypt, and there are projects under implementation, as there is a will to implement these projects."

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