Senate committee tackles economic fallout from Ukrainian crisis
Senate committee tackles economic fallout from Ukrainian crisis
29-03-2022 03:38 PM
Ammon News - The Senate's Finance and Economy Committee and a number of pundits on Tuesday discussed the repercussions of the Ukrainian crisis on the national economy.
The Russian-Ukrainian crisis is a global crisis, said Senator Jamal Sarayrah, head of the committee, and Jordan, like other countries around the world, will feel the effects of the crisis. He underscored the importance of drawing up a policy paper that details the war's impact on the Jordanian economy, as well as recommendations and solutions to avoid any negative ramifications.
He called for tracking the supply chain of basic materials and foodstuffs from abroad to the Kingdom, stressing that the supply chain must continue and be provided with the necessary shipping lines.
The fallout of the crisis will be reflected in higher inflation, production and energy rates, he noted, and will call for a review of the 2022 budget to factor in its repercussions on several vital sectors, including tourism, agriculture, trade and transportation.
During the meeting, participants called for addressing the banking authorities to facilitate lending for basic commodities at reduced interest rates to enable the private sector to import goods and raw materials, the prices of which have gone up globally. They also urged the government to enforce a realistic pricing policy that ensures the availability of goods at reasonable prices.
They underlined the importance of following up on the rehabilitation of agricultural land and supporting investors to cultivate basic materials and fodder, which directly affects the prices of red and white meat.