Prize of Exemplary Jordanian Citizen

20-06-2013 12:39 PM

By Madeleine Mezagopian

Amid mixed feelings of uncertainty and joy in the eyes of the parents, the sincere attentiveness of the partners, Jordanian, American, Spanish, British and German, the regretful absence of representatives of the concerned authorities, the loving attention and dedication of the president, executive director, some board members, teachers, technical experts and administrators and of the patron of the event Prince Raad bin Zeid, the cherished, however most vulnerable, children of Jordan seized the opportunity of their graduation to express their love to their country Jordan while approaching all the concerned, albeit absent, for a better future through securing accessibility.

Accessibility was the theme of the theatrical performance by the children during this year 33rd graduation of Al Hussein Society School for children with physical disabilities, Al Hussein Society which ceased to be the shining star only of Jordan rather of the whole region at large.

The performing children did not only memorize the long sentences of serious sub-themes, they lived their uncertainties, reached the hearts and brains of the audience and foremost exposed the painful realities in their society, however with a lot of pride in their Jordanian identity hence not abandoning hope and confidence in their country and in its leadership to ensure for them a brighter future.

Surely, these children well translated the statement of King Abdullah II that the true Jordanian citizen is the one who is proud of his/her Jordanian identity, during an occasion when the exemplary Jordanian citizen was not difficult to detect.

Handsome, passionate, loving and clever Bilal Sutan did not only overcome his physical challenges, but turned these challenges into source of inspiration and motivation to serve Jordan's children's with physical disabilities through delivering only the very best comprehensive education in his capacity as the director of this specific school, surely in coordination and cooperation with his colleagues. Like the preceding years and with deep consideration and understanding of the limited resources of the Society, Bilal further invested his abilities and passion for his work and for his children through writing the script of the theatrical performance making sure the very last activity of the children in this school will highlight their abilities which can be duly traced and invested once equal opportunities and facilities are secured and supported by relevant legislations.

Pride in and loyalty to one's national identity is intertwined. Pride in and loyalty to Jordan has exemplary translation in the life of Bilal Sultan and the Society he represents.

Justice calls for this devoted, loyal citizen Bilal Sultan to be rewarded with a prize of Exemplary Jordanian Citizen.

Madeleine Mezagopian is an academic researcher, adviser and analyst in the field of Conflict Resolution/Peace and Socioeconomic and Political Development. She contributed this article to Ammon News English.

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