The King’s Question and the Royal Answer

18-06-2013 03:07 PM

By Dr. Mamdouh Ayed Alenazy

AMMONNEWS - Amid regional turbulence, Jordan struggles to foster its political, economic and social stability.

To some extent, the country has managed to resist pressure to become involved in the Syrian conflict. However, it is presented with a number of significant domestic challenges.

The chronic corruption, faltering economy, unemployment, social changes and the recent waves of social violence are among the problems that require governmental action at all levels. Most of these problems can be overcome if laws are implemented and enforced.

The king delivered a touching speech during the military graduation ceremony at Mutah University’s military wing in the southern city of Karak. He seemed to have carefully chosen the occasion, time and place to give the long-awaited speech, in which he identified some problems and suggested the solutions. In his speech, the king talked extensively about violence as one of the domestic challenges.

He faulted the wrong association between some cases of violence and the tribal culture and structure, stressing that the cases of social violence are “unacceptable and inexcusable”. The king inquired about the causes of violence and he immediately provided the answer, ascribing violence to the lack of justice and laxity in enforcing the law.

While the king’s question represents every citizen’s demands, his answer should be understood as a direction to the government to act. Will Jordanians have the government response?!

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