Khasawneh inaugurates Salt- Al 'Aridah Road (photos)

27-05-2024 12:11 PM

Ammon News - Prime Minister Dr. Bishr Khasawneh inaugurated Monday the project to improve and rehabilitate the Salt- Al 'Aridah Road, extending from Al-Subaihi Intersection to Al 'Aridah Intersection in Balqa Governorate.

Khasawneh stressed, while inaugurating the project, its importance from an economic standpoint, as the road connects the Dead Sea tourist areas and the agricultural Jordan Valley to Amman.

He directed the need to complete the lightning work on the road within two months, whlie ensuring that public safety requirements are met, and maintaining maintenance work to preserve this vital and important road.

The Prime Minister also praised the efforts of the cadres of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing and those in charge of the project to complete it before the specified date.

Khasawneh listened to a briefing presented by the Ministers of Public Works and Housing, Maher Abu Al-Samen, about the stages of project completion and the requirements that have been provided commensurate with its importance.

The Salt- Al 'Aridah road is located within Balqa Governorate, between the Salt Heights and the Jordan Valley lowlands. It is considered one of the most important projects of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. It was implemented by a coalition of Jordanian and Chinese contractors at a cost of up to JD26 million.

The opening of the project was attended by the Chinese Ambassador to Amman, Chen Quandong, and the Governor of Balqa, Firas Abu Qaoud.

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