Strong earthquake strikes near Pacific nation Vanuatu

26-05-2024 11:55 AM

Ammon News - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit Pacific nation Vanuatu on Sunday, the United States Geological Survey said, but was not expected to generate a tsunami.

The quake occurred at 9:23 am local time at a depth of about 29 kilometres (18 miles), the USGS said, centred in a patch of ocean about 83 kilometres (51 miles) northwest of Vanuatu's capital Port Vila.

Striking near a sparsely populated cluster of islands, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said "the earthquake is not expected to generate a tsunami".

There were no immediate reports of damage in Vanuatu.

Earthquakes are common in Vanuatu, a low-lying archipelago of 320,000 people that straddles the seismic Ring of Fire.

The Economic Times

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