Minister: Productive families enterprises create jobs for youth, empower women economically

29-01-2023 09:09 AM

Ammon News - Minister of Social Development Wafaa Bani Mustafa said on Saturday that the ministry endeavors to enhance the productivity of poor families through small enterprises that are being implemented through the ministry, charities and local community development centers.

She said during the opening ceremony of an exhibition of small business products that such fairs move families from receiving financial aid into production, create jobs for youth and empower women economically.

The minister pointed out that a group of families benefiting from National Aid Fund programs are participating in the exhibition, pledging to "work in the coming period to develop small enterprises to gradually become large ones.

Mustafa pointed to the quality of products, ehich, she said, should be electronically marketed globally.

Some 130 small businesses from the Kingdom's governorates are taking part in the exhibition, which is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, led by the Danish Refugee Council, in partnership with the Jordan River Foundation and Mercy Corps. The exhibition is meant to give participants new space to display and sell their products, network with available economic opportunities and access and compete in the labor market.

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