PM arrives in Manama on official visit

04-01-2023 04:41 PM

Ammon News - Prime Minister, Dr. Bishr Khasawneh, on Wednesday arrived in Manama on an official visit, during which he is scheduled to meet with a number of senior Bahraini officials and hold talks on bilateral relations and issues and files of common concern.

PM Khasawneh and Bahraini Crown Prince and Prime Minister, His Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, will chair meetings of the joint Higher Jordanian-Bahraini Committee on Thursday.

After the meetings of the joint Jordanian-Bahraini Higher Committee, a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding will be signed in the trade, industry, health, education, transportation, tourism and media fields.

The PM is accompanied by ministers of State for Prime Ministry, Ibrahim Jazi; Education and Higher Education and Scientific Research, Azmy Mahafdha, Tourism and Antiquities, Makram Qaisi; Interior Mazen Faraya; Health Firas Hawari; Industry and Labor, Yousef Shamali, and Culture Haifa Najjar.

Upon his arrival at Bahrain Airport, PM was received by Bahraini Foreign Minister / Head of Honorary Escort, Abdullatif Zayani, Minister of Cabinet Affairs Hamad Maliki, and a number of senior Bahraini officials..

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