Hurricane Nicole makes landfall in Florida

10-11-2022 11:16 AM

Ammon News - Hurricane Nicole has made landfall in Florida, marking the second major storm to batter the state in recent months.

The hurricane struck just south of Vero beach, the National Hurricane Centre said.

The centre warned of "dangerous storm surge" and heavy rains as it approached the state's east coast. Wind gusts of up to 65 miles per hour were reported as it churned towards land.

Florida is still reeling from the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, which killed more than 100 people and caused catastrophic damage in September. The state rarely sees November hurricanes - with only two such storms since records began.

"Dozens upon dozens" of oceanfront buildings are at "imminent" risk of collapse after being damaged by Hurricane Ian, officials have said, a sober warning in a state which saw almost 100 people killed in last year's Surfside condominium collapse.

Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued in several low-lying areas, which include former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. Airports and theme parks were closed on Wednesday as authorities braced for extreme conditions.

Impact will be felt statewide, said Florida's division of emergency management.

Residents should expect coastal flooding, rip currents, tornadoes and beach erosion, it added.

The storm strengthened to a category-one hurricane as it approached the Florida coast after battering the Bahamas.

Extensive flooding was reported in the first hurricane to hit the archipelago since 2019.

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