130-year-old Algerian woman arrives Makkah for Hajj

12-06-2024 10:17 AM

Ammon News - 130-year-old woman, Sarahouda Stiti will perform Hajj this year, reported 24NewsHD TV channel.

Sarahouda Stiti received a warm and enthusiastic welcome when she landed at Jeddah International Airport in Saudi Arabia on June 10, 2024.

Stiti, the oldest pilgrim from Algeria was greeted with respect at Jeddah International Airport.

A 130-year-old woman from Algeria who hails from Iraq has been recognized as the oldest Hajj pilgrim to visit the Kingdom this year.

Sarahouda Stiti was determined to join the Hajj pilgrimage, and her presence brought pride and happiness to the Algerian Hajj mission and the Algerian community as a whole.

She was in good health but was being regularly checked on.

Sarahouda Stiti expressed her happiness about being in the Kingdom for Hajj and appreciated the warm welcome and good service she and her companions received.

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