Hot weather in most regions until Thursday

17-06-2024 09:43 AM

Ammon News - The Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) forecasts scorching weather for Monday, with most regions experiencing intense heat, particularly in the desert areas, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba.

Expect some cloud cover at medium and high altitudes in the south and east of the Kingdom. Moderate northwesterly winds will occasionally become brisk.

The JMD cautions against prolonged exposure to sunlight, which could lead to dehydration, especially for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those with health conditions. They also highlight the risk of forest fires and the dangers of leaving children or flammable items like perfumes and sanitizers inside vehicles.

Looking ahead to Tuesday, temperatures are set to climb slightly, with the hot spell continuing. The heat will remain oppressive in most areas, and the desert regions will face sweltering conditions. Northeasterly winds will prevail, shifting to moderate northwesterly by evening.

By Wednesday, the Kingdom will still be under the grip of the heatwave, with another slight uptick in temperatures. Conditions will be blistering and dry across the highlands, with extreme heat persisting elsewhere. Northeasterly winds will turn to moderate northwesterly later in the day.

Thursday will bring a modest reprieve as temperatures dip slightly. Nonetheless, the weather will stay hot across most areas, with the desert, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba continuing to sizzle. Moderate northwesterly winds will be occasionally brisk.

Today's highs and lows are expected as follows: Eastern Amman 36 C/24 C, Western Amman 34 C/22 C, Northern Highlands 31 C/19 C, Sharah Highlands 32 C/20 C, Desert Regions 41 C/23 C, Plains Regions 37 C/22 C, Northern Jordan Valley 41 C/25 C, Southern Jordan Valley 44 C/27 C, Dead Sea 43 C/26 C, and Gulf of Aqaba 45 C/28 C.

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