Japan: Israel colonies activities violate international law

04-07-2024 02:29 PM

Ammon News - The Japanese government voiced its concern over the Israeli government's plan to expand colonies in the occupied West Bank.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed in a statement published by Anadolu Agency that, "Israeli colonial activities violate international law and weaken the possibility of a two-state solution." It called on Israel to retract the decision to legalize five colonial outposts in the West Bank.

It condemned the increasing acts of violence carried out by extremist colonialists against Palestinians in the West Bank, and called on Israel to take appropriate measures to prevent it.

According to international law, the colonies established in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are considered illegal.

On June 28, the extremist Israeli Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, announced the Cabinet’s approval to legalize five outposts and build thousands of colonial units in the West Bank.


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