NCSC to announce details of Jordan's 2nd cybersecurity summit Wednesday

03-07-2024 09:15 AM

Ammon News - The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) will hold Wednesday a press conference to announce the details of the second Jordan Cybersecurity Summit, "Dot Cyber ​​Summit."

The summit will be held under the patronage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, on September 18 and 19, according to a statement by the NCSC on Tuesday.

The summit which is organized annually by the center, aims to be a forum for officials, decision-makers, thinkers, and those interested in cybersecurity and digital safety issues from the governmental, industrial, and academic sectors.

During the summit, issues related to cyber policies and strategies and international issues related to cyber risks and threats facing countries and societies and cooperation mechanisms to confront them and combat their spread will be discussed.

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