Four pro Palestine protesters arrested for scaling roof of Australia's parliament

04-07-2024 02:11 PM

Ammon News - Four pro Palestine protesters were arrested for climbing the roof of Australia's Parliament House on Thursday in a security breach condemned by lawmakers, on the same day a ruling party senator quit over the government's stance on Palestine.

The protesters stood on the roof of the in Canberra building for around an hour, unfurling black banners including one which read "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free", a common refrain of Pro Palestine protesters.

"We will not forget, we will not forgive and we will continue to resist," a protester said.

The four were arrested and charged with trespassing, and have been banned from the grounds of parliament for two years, a spokesperson for Australian Capital Territory police said.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned the protests.

"Those responsible should feel the full force of the law. Peaceful protest has an important place in our society, but this was not a peaceful protest," he said.


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