Police use tear gas to disperse Riots, Clashes in Amman

10-11-2010 12:00 AM

Ammon News - By Anas Damra

AMMONNEWS - Major riots renewed Tuesday evening in Bayader Wadi Al Sir in southwestern Amman after supporters of parliamentary candidates reignited clashes.

Rioters threw rocks at vehicles passing by the area.

Police and gendarmerie forces cordoned off the area and closed the major roads leading to Al Bayader.

Police used tear gas again Tuesday afternoon to disperse rioters.

The clashes between candidate supporters renewed three times already on Tuesday.


AMMONNEWS - Gendarmerie forces late Tuesday afternoon intensified their presence in Bayader Wadi Sir area west of Amman and surrounding areas after widespread clashes occurred between supporters of several candidates competing in the district.

Security forces blockaded the main road leading to the Eighth Circle in Amman to avoid any harm to drivers or their vehicles, as rioters were vandalizing property in the clashes.

Security forces are currently working to disperse hundreds of rioters that stormed into the streets in Bayader district due to the fight.

Police used tear gas to disperse the rioters.

In an attempt to contain the recurring violence in Bayader Wadi Sir in western Amman, Amman Police Chief Brigadier General Tayel Majali headed to one candidate's headquarters, while Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department Brigadier General Fadel Hmoud headed to the other candidate's headquarters to convince their followers to contain the riots.

Clashes broke out Tuesday afternoon in which rioters vandalized vehicles and destroyed property of a candidate's headquarters.

Rioters moved from the candidate's headquarters to the polling center in Bayader after police dispersed them and blockaded main roads there.

In a separate incident, the town of Qadissiyah (30 km south of Tafileh governorate in Southern Jordan) witnessed an electricity outage.

Crowds stormed into the streets in the town following the electric outage.

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