Obituary: Renowned journalist Mahmoud Kayed passes away

01-06-2010 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS –– Mahmoud Kayed, a renowned journalist, passed away Monday evening at the age of 77, after a long struggle with illness.

Kayed is survived by his son, Azmi, and daughters Abla and Rana. Condolences will be accepted in Hiasat tribe Diwan in Salt for men and in his house in Shemeisani district in Amman for women.

Kayed was laid to rest on Tuesday in Salt after noon prayers at Al Eizariyeh Mosque, one day before the anniversary of the founding of 'Al Rai' newspaper, which he established along with a group of renowned journalists to become a landmark in Jordanian journalism and culture.

Throughout his life, Kayed held many positions and achieved accomplishments that moved Jordanian journalism forward. He was the former Minister of Culture and president of the Jordan Press Association (JPA).

Born in Salt in 1933, Kayed attended Salt school, and it was there that he mustered a political mind with the influence of a number of teachers that had studied in Iraq and Syria.

'Abu Azmi,' as he was known, was appointed at the Press Ministry, and then worked in the Press and Publications department for six years. He then left to Damascus where he enrolled in the Law Faculty at Damascus University between 1968 and 1970, but the September War conditions interrupted his study there.

He continued working with the Press and Publications Department until 1974, after which he was appointed as a managing editor for 'Al Rai' Newspaper (established in 1971), and two years later, became the Editor-in-Chief in July 1976 until 1997, doubling also as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Press Foundation (JPF) for several years.

Kayed left a published book, entitled "Kharij al Nas" (Out of the Text), which is a collection of selected articles he published in 'Al Rai.'

He was appointed Minister of Culture in Ali Abu Al Ragheb's government between 2000 and 2001.

Kayed married Mrs. Siham Qudah, who is also from Salt, and had their son Azmi, who studied law in University of Jordan and earned a Masters' degree from London, and daughter Abla, a lawyer, and Rana, a pharmacist.

Kayed was bestowed with several medals throughout his career, including Al Istiklal Medal of the First Order and Al Hussein Decoration for Distinguished Service of the First Degree in addition to Al Hussein Medal for Excellence in Journalism.

Prime Minister Samir Rifai issued a statement, paying tribute to Kayed and commemorating his contributions to enhancing journalism in Jordan and raising a generation of capable journalists.

King Abdullah II deputized his advisor Ayman Safadi to pay respects and take part in the Kayed's funeral.

'Ammon News' team extends sincere condolences for the passing of 'Abu Azmi.'

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