Labor Ministry addresses concerned authorities to include private sector in holidays

03-07-2024 10:36 AM

Ammon News - The Ministry of Labor confirmed that, based on the decisions issued by the Special Bureau for the Interpretation of Laws, any notification issued to specify official holidays and religious holidays includes the private sector.

The Ministry stated thar Article (59) of the Labor Law clarified the mechanism for employing a worker on his weekly day off, religious holidays, or official holidays, stipulating that if the worker works during these holidays, the worker entitled to an additional wage of no less than (150%) of the worker usual wage.

Also, the Ministry indicated that it had addressed all concerned parties in this regard, namely the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, the Ministry of Investment, the Jordan Chamber of Industry, the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, the General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions, and the General Federation of Jordanian Farmers.

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