Egyptian soldier killed in fire exchange with occupation army in Rafah crossing

27-05-2024 03:19 PM

Ammon News - Hebrew media revealed that at least one Egyptian soldier was killed during an exchange of fire between the Egyptian and Israeli armies at the Rafah crossing.

The Hebrew newspaper Maariv said that an Egyptian soldier was killed in an exchange of fire with the Israeli army, while the Walla website said that two Egyptians were killed in the exchange of fire.

Hebrew Channel 13 said that there was a very unusual shooting incident between the Egyptian border army in Rafah and the Israeli occupation army, during the Israeli operations in Rafah.

The channel added that the occupation army is currently conducting an investigation into the incident to find out the details.

The current incident is taking place against the backdrop of increasing international criticism against the occupation, after dozens of Gazans were martyred in an Israeli bombing on the tents of displaced people in Rafah on Sunday night, according to the channel.

Later, the Israeli military censorship deleted news of the incident from all Hebrew websites and even social media platforms.

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