Saudi Arabia provides Jordan with 200 parachutes to support airdrops on Gaza

23-05-2024 04:45 PM

Ammon News - The Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army (JAF) received Thursday (300) nets and (parachutes) umbrellas provided by the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid, in the presence of the Director of Border Security, the Director of the Office of the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid in Jordan, and the Director of the Planning and Programs Department at the Jordan Hashemite Charitable Organization (JHCO).

This comes within a series of efforts through which the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan seeks to mobilize more ways and means of delivering humanitarian and relief aid to the civilian population who are suffering from difficult humanitarian conditions and circumstances as a result of the continued Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and support from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the efforts made by Jordan to support the airdrops carried out by the JAF since November on the Gaza Strip.

The Jordanian Armed Forces - Arab Army (JAF), in cooperation with the Jordan Hashemite Charitable Organization (JHCO), sent on Wednesday a humanitarian aid convoy that included 92 trucks loaded with basic food parcels, tents, and health parcels.

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