Jordan welcomes Norway, Ireland and Spain recognition of Palestinian state

22-05-2024 04:19 PM

Ammon News - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates welcomed decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the independent Palestinian state, as a step to implement the two-state solution, which embodies the independent and sovereign Palestinian state along the June 4, 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

In a statement Wednesday, the ministry's official spokesperson, Dr. Sufyan Qudah, stressed the importance of these European countries's step in fulfilling the right of the brotherly Palestinian people to achieve an independent, sovereign state along the June 4, 1967 lines, with occupied Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the two-state solution and approved international references.

Qudah also called on the entire international community to follow the example of the countries that recognized the Palestinian state, which consolidates international law rules and the relevant international legitimacy resolutions.

Additionally, Qudah reiterated Jordan's position to support Palestinian people in realizing their independent state, based on the Kingdom's "firm" position in backing the Palestinian cause and people.

In this regard, he referred to Jordan's call to the entire international community, especially the Security Council, to assume its responsibilities and impose a resolution to recognize the independent Palestinian state, in accordance with international law rules and relevant international legitimacy resolutions.Petra

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