Settlers attack two Jordanian aid convoys, Jordan holds occupation responsible

01-05-2024 02:44 PM

Ammon News - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs condemned on Wednesday in the strongest terms the attack by extremist Israeli settlers on two Jordanian aid convoys carrying food, flour and other humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, one of which was heading to Gaza via the Karem Abu Salem crossing, and the second was the first that was supposed to enter Gaza via the Erez crossing.

The Ministry considered the failure of the Israeli government to protect the two aid convoys and allowing them to be attacked as a gross violation of its legal obligations, as the occupying power, and of its obligations to allow aid to enter Gaza.

The Ministry's official spokesperson, Sufyan Qudah, said that the extremists' attack on the two convoys and the failure of the Israeli authorities to provide protection for them undermine all the Israeli government's claims and obligations to allow aid to enter Gaza, including through the Erez crossing.

Qudah held the Israeli authorities fully responsible for this crime, and called on the international community to take a clear international position condemning it and requiring Israel to fulfill its legal obligations and ensure the protection of aid convoys and the UN organizations working to receive and distribute them.

The two aid convoys were organized by the Jordan Hashemite Charitable Organization in cooperation (JHCO) with (Tkiyet Um Ali, the World Food Program (WFP), the Human Appeal organization based in Britain, the Charitable Imdad Organization based in South Africa, and the IMC Organization based in the United States), were attacked at dawn on Wednesday by Israeli extremists on their way towards the Erez crossing and the Karem Abu Salem crossing, and some of their cargo was thrown into the streets, causing material damage to the trucks.

The two convoys subsequently continued their mission, despite the attack, out of concern to deliver aid to Gaza in light of the humanitarian catastrophe it is facing, and they reached their destinations, Qudah said.

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