King receives FAO director general

04-03-2024 04:03 PM

Ammon News - His Majesty King Abdullah II on Monday received UN Food and Agriculture Organisation Director General Qu Dongyu, and discussed enhancing cooperation between Jordan and FAO.

His Majesty expressed appreciation for the organisation’s support for the process of developing a food security monitoring system for the Near East and North Africa region, which will be launched at the 37th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC 37), which opened in Jordan on Monday, and will contribute to the design and development of information and communications systems for the food security dashboard in Jordan and other countries.

The King also expressed keenness to work with FAO to achieve the goals related to food security and agriculture in the Economic Modernisation Vision, in order to transform the Kingdom into a leading regional hub for food security.

The meeting also covered the humanitarian situation in Gaza, with His Majesty warning of the repercussions of food insecurity as a result of the ongoing war, stressing the need to continue all efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to the Strip by all available means, and work to restore basic services there.

Her Royal Highness Princess Basma bint Ali, the FAO goodwill ambassador for the Near East and North Africa, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, Agriculture Minister Khaled Hneifat, and Jordan’s Permanent Representative to FAO Qais Abu Dayyeh attended the meeting.

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