Impossible to see Rmadan crescent on Sunday, IAC says

04-03-2024 01:21 PM

Ammon News - Director of the International Astronomy Center (IAC) and member of the Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS), Mohammad Shawkat Odeh, confirmed that seeing the Ramadan crescent on Sunday, March 10, is not possible from anywhere in the Arab and Islamic world, whether with the naked eye, using a telescope, or even using astronomical photography technology.

Based on this, and for countries that require the correct sighting of the crescent, these countries are expected to begin the month of Ramadan on Tuesday, March 12, Odeh said.

Most Islamic countries will sight the crescent of the month of Ramadan on Sunday, March 10, and on that day the conjunction will occur at 12:00 pm Amman time, and the moon will set in the city of Amman 13 minutes after sunset, and these values are not sufficient to see the crescent on Sunday, he added.

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