Under Royal directives: JAF carries out 4 aid airdrops to Gaza

27-02-2024 09:18 AM

Ammon News - Under the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces, Arab Army (JAF), the armed forces Monday carried out four airdrops of relief aid to Gaza.

Four C130 aircraft, including one from the French Armed Forces, dropped food supplies, including ready-made meals, along the Gaza coast from the north to the south of the enclave.

The stepped up airdrops are to alleviate the suffering of the people of the Gaza Strip, who are living difficult conditions from the ongoing Israeli war, which could herald starvation in the strip.

The participation of a French aircraft is a reaffirmation of support for the Jordanian humanitarian effort to support families in Gaza, which reflects the deep relations between the two countries, and underlines the Kingdom's key role in unifying international efforts for the delivery of aid to "the brothers in the Gaza Strip."

JAF stressed that it continued to dispatch humanitarian and medial aid via an air bridge from Marka Airport to Al-Arish International Airport or direct airdrops to Gaza. Petra

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