AND: Law does not hold drug users accountable if they seek treatment

26-02-2024 10:55 AM

Ammon News - MAJ. Nabil Rawashdeh from the Anti-Narcotics Department (AND) confirmed that crystal narcotic substance reaches Jordan through smuggling and is not manufactured locally.

Rawashdeh told Radio Noon on Monday that some drug dealers re-prepare crystal after it arrives in Jordan with the aim of increasing the available material and thus increasing profit and expanding its spread.

This substance is very dangerous, and afflicts the user with hallucinations that may lead to paranoia, as the user believes that he has supernatural strength and can do anything mentioned, such as jumping from the top of buildings or flying, he said.

Rawashdeh stressed that the law treats the person who abuses the drug as a patient and a victim of the drug if he confesses his guilt and goes for treatment through the relevant centers, which provide their services free of charge without any cost and without registering a security record on him. However, if the abuser refuses treatment, the law views him as a criminal and an accomplice to the crime and must be punished.

This substance causes its users primarily to suffer from insomnia, which causes a person to go crazy due to not sleeping for 4 consecutive days, he noted.

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