King receives Bulgarian FM as part of ongoing efforts to reach Gaza ceasefire

26-02-2024 09:18 AM

Ammon News - His Majesty King Abdullah II on Sunday received Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel at Al Husseiniya Palace, as part of ongoing efforts to reach an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza.

The meeting tackled the dangerous developments in Gaza, and the tragic humanitarian conditions, which require urgent efforts by the international community to prevent their deterioration.

His Majesty reiterated the need to stop the war on Gaza, protect civilians, and ensure the adequate and sustainable delivery of humanitarian aid to the Strip.

The King also warned against the suspension of international funding for UNRWA, and the danger of the Israeli attack on Rafah.

His Majesty stressed the need to create a political horizon to achieve just and comprehensive peace, on the basis of the two-state solution.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi and Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan attended the meeting.

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