Ukrainian Embassy responds to Al-Atoum: Deconstructing Biased Narratives on Ukraine and Gaza

31-01-2024 06:45 PM

Ammon News - The Ukrainian Embassy responded to the article by writer Husam Al-Atoum in Ammon News Agency entitled The Supreme Court of Justice on Ukraine and Gaza, as follows:

Exposing Russian Propaganda: Deconstructing Biased Narratives on Ukraine and Gaza

The recent article of Husam Al-Atoum named “ICJ stand on Ukraine and Gaza” discussing the International Court of Justice's actions on Ukraine and Gaza reeks of Russian propaganda, aiming to distort the truth and push an anti-Ukrainian, anti-Western agenda. Let's cut through the propaganda noise and expose the blatant misinformation.

First, it is clear that the author is more interested in pushing a political agenda than presenting an accurate portrayal of the ICJ's decisions based on legal principles. Attempting to draw parallels between Ukraine and Gaza is a feeble attempt to muddle distinct conflicts and create a false equivalence. Simplifying these complex situations is a typical Russian tactic to divert attention from their own misdeeds.

The claim that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is just a limited military operation is a abhorrent example of the Russian propaganda playbook. The humanitarian crisis, civilian displacement, and war crimes in Bucha, Mariupol, Izyum and other towns and cities of Ukraine are irrefutable proof that Russia has come to Ukraine with war and genocide. The article's attempt to downplay these actions is a shameful display of Russian apologetics.

The ridiculous assertion that Russia uncovered a Western-backed conspiracy related to COVID-19 in Ukraine is sick fantasy that no reasonable person would believe. Such baseless claims only serve to spread misinformation and highlight the author's desperation to deflect attention from Russia's actual atrocities.

The article's justification of Russia's actions in Ukraine based on agreements from the dissolution of the Soviet Union is a weak argument at best. The international community overwhelmingly condemns Russia's aggression, and trying to spin it otherwise is a desperate move.

What makes the article even more cynical is the fact that the Middle East and countries of a wider Global South are the ones who have suffered disproportionally because of Russia’s reckless behavior. Food security remains one of the daunting challenges facing people of those countries due to pathetic attempts of Russian Federation to eliminate Ukraine as a world leading agricultural exporter.

However, despite Russian terror, Ukraine managed to remain one of the world’s leading food suppliers. In 2023, it produced 81 million tons of grain and oil crops, of which around 50 million will be supplied to the global market.

Kyiv remains committed to the task of helping the nations of the world that suffer from food shortage, including through the means of the initiative “Grain from Ukraine”. Ending Russian occupation and restoring Ukraine’s sovereignty over its borders would mean restoring not only international law, but also normal supply of food on the global level.

Russia fuels chaos globally, masquerading as a champion of justice: inciting hatred, spreading mercenarism, stoking civil wars and plundering resources of entire countries with the help of its private military companies like the Wagner Group – all while blaming others and demanding applause for its own aggression against Ukraine.

This cycle of chaos can be broken only by standing united in defense of peace, stability, and the rule-based order.

That is why it is fundamentally important to stand in support of the Peace Formula initiated by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

In January Switzerland has kindly hosted the meeting of national security and foreign policy advisers in Davos with participation of over 80 countries and international organizations. Key principles of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine and the whole world were discussed in detail. The discussion demonstrated that participants of the meeting are extremely united around the main principles based on international law and the norms of the UN Charter. The Peace Formula remains the only viable path to restoring global peace and security.

The people of Jordan deserve much better and would never allow themselves to be tricked into lame attempt of Russian Federation to manipulate on the heartfelt feelings of solidarity that jordanians rightly have with Palestinian people. It is a well established an known fact that Ukraine has always been and remains a steadfast supporter of the Middle East peace process as the only basis of any efforts aimed at restoring regional stability and security.

Ukraine consistently supports the implementation of the principle of two states, Israel and Palestine, which will live side by side in peace and security, and advocates the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with the help of political and diplomatic means. Kyiv has welcomed since long ago a fully recognized ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Palestine. We are confident that a just, comprehensive and sustainable peace in the Middle East can be realized within the framework of unconditional implementation by the parties of relevant UN Security Council resolutions and other international agreements.

Thus, it's time to call out the Russian propaganda machine for what it is. This article of Husam Al-Atoum is a prime example of Russian attempts to manipulate narratives and distort the truth. Let's not be fooled by this thinly veiled attempt to whitewash Russia's actions in Ukraine.

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