Ministry inks agreement for treated water carrier project in Irbid

09-07-2023 04:29 PM

Ammon News - The Ministry of Water and Irrigation signed Sunday an agreement with the Ahmad Yousef Al Tarawneh and Partner Ale'mar Contracting Company a JD7.6 million agreement for a treated water carrier project in Irbid, funded by Germany's Development Bank (KfW).

The agreement, signed by Muhammad Najjar, Minister of Water and Irrigation, the General Manager of Ahmed Al Tarawneh Contracting Company, and representatives of the Ale'mar Company, intends to improve the environment and supply greater quantities for irrigation.

According to Najjar, the pipeline will transport around 10 million cubic meters of high-quality treated water to the Jordan Valley for irrigation purposes, in accordance with high-quality criteria and the Water Authority's aim to expand the use of treated water.

He noted that the project will also work to supply drinkable water and expand its utilization in accordance with current and advanced scientific methods, in accordance with the Water Authority's advanced program to reuse treated water for limited agricultural uses and various sectors.

Najjar explained that the project is part of Jordan's program of climate change precautionary measures in the sector and wastewater, which includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions by about 6,600 tons and providing 10 million cubic meters of treated water annually as part of government efforts to expand sanitation services and improve the environmental reality.

The minister thanked donors, particularly the European Union and Germany's KfW for aiding the sector in overcoming challenges and assisting Water Authority cadres in completing and following up on the project.

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