Jordan chairs 25th Arab Ministerial Tourism Council meeting

13-12-2022 02:53 PM

Ammon News - Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Nayef Fayez chaired Tuesday the 25th session of the Arab Ministerial Council for Tourism, organized by the General Secretariat of the Arab League, in Cairo, Egypt.

During the opening of the session, Fayez emphasized the Kingdom's commitment to putting the meeting's recommendations into practice, which will focus on growing Arab tourism, assisting the Palestinian tourism industry, training Arab staff, particularly in the area of digital transformation, standardizing medical practices, and advancing the concepts of accessible tourism, innovative tourism, and smart tourism.

Jordan has made strides on these issues, according to the minister, citing collaboration with Palestine on a tourism program, the implementation of a national training program for tourism sector employees, reaching out to sector partners and donors to establish a business incubator, and moving forward with a digital tourist project, which develops mobile applications that provide information to tourists.

Moreover, Jordan, in cooperation with the Al-Balqa Applied University, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and the Milan Institute, has studied the gap between the outputs of tourism education and the needs of the labor market, identifying 10 tourism professions, which will be offered in universities, colleges and institutes, Fayez added.

The Post-Covid phase calls for planning and close cooperation to overcome challenges, address changes and maximize achievements, the minister said.

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