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Digital transformation key to improve Jordan's investment environment-Stakeholder

21-08-2022 10:59 AM

Digital transformation key to improve Jordan's investment environment-Stakeholder

Ammon News - Representative of the communications and information technology sector in the Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC), Haitham Rawajbeh, said digital transformation is a key pillar for improving the business environment and attracting foreign investments.

In a statement on Saturday, he noted business owners and investors send their investments to countries with ready and developed infrastructure in digital transformation and service automation, calling for establishing a specialized body for this purpose, in partnership between the public and private sectors.

The region's countries today have rapid changes in this file, which requires work to keep pace with these developments by accelerating pace of Jordan's digital transformation, building related capabilities and stimulating creativity and e-trade, according to Rawajbeh.

Digital transformation helps develop economic plans based on "true" data, he noted, pointing to the government services provided through Sanad application, which have "significantly" doubled during the recent period.

Noting the need to focus on research and manpower training on new technologies in this regard, he said this process will also contribute to enhancing Jordanian government revenues and improving services provided to citizens.

Rawajbeh also noted Jordan's Economic Modernization Vision stressed the need to accelerate pace of the public sector's digital transformation by launching partnerships with private institutions, which have "remarkable" expertise in this regard.

At the regional level, he said many Jordanian companies have implemented digital transformation projects in Arab countries.

Global companies have expressed interest to open regional offices in the Kingdom to serve the region's countries and benefit from Jordan's expertise and competencies working in the ICT sector, he noted.

Jordan's ICT sector has "remarkable" opportunities for growth and expansion, with a solid and advanced digital infrastructure, qualified human resources capable of competing globally, and a set of laws and legislations that include many incentives, he said.

Jordanian companies operating in the ICT sector have made multiple achievements, substantially grown and developed, and now support many regional countries by providing digital transformation solutions for their various commercial and service sectors, he pointed out.

Locally, he said introduction of 5G services into Jordan is a step in the right direction, which would enhance the Kingdom’s competitiveness and accelerate the technical development of the ICT sector, in addition to supporting investment environment, in line with Economic Modernization Vision.

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