Prince Mired checks on access requirements for persons with disabilities in Irbid

16-09-2021 01:03 AM

Ammon News -

 President of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD), His Royal Highness Prince Mired Bin Raad, visited Wednesday the northern governorate of Irbid, and checked on procedures for resuming the provision of access requirements for persons with disabilities within the designated area in the governorate, King Abdullah II Parks and Yarmouk University.

During the visit, Prince Mired met the Governor of Irbid Radwan Al-Atoum, President of the Greater Irbid Municipality Committee Qablan Al-Sharif, and President of Yarmouk University, Islam Massad.

The visit aims to check on the accessibility requirements in several areas in Irbid and ensure their suitability for persons with disabilities.

Prince Mired emphasized that the establishment of prepared areas in vital places that include a large part of services, as it is in the selected area in Irbid, is a qualitative step in consolidating the concept of a prepared and accommodating environment for all.

His Royal Highness underlined the need to overcome all obstacles and diligently follow up the progress of work in accordance with the memorandum of understanding concluded between the Council, the Greater Irbid Municipality and Yarmouk University to implement the first phase of the national plan for accessibility to rectify the conditions of existing buildings before the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. (20) of 2017 enters into force.

Prince Mired said the HCD is ready to provide the necessary technical support that would enable the project owners to move forward with the completion of work in various facilities of the project, in accordance with the code of construction requirements for people with disabilities, and international best practices in this field.

Irbid Governor, Radwan Al-Atoum, stressed the importance of this project as it targets a vital park, which is one of the largest in the northern region and serves a large segment of the population.

He also stressed the importance of spreading this experience to include all governorates of the Kingdom.

Al-Atoum said that the municipality is working to add many beautiful landmarks to the parks and continuously develop them in line with goals that were set for them, including providing the requirements for people with disabilities to access all park landmarks and facilities.

HCD Secretary-General, Muhannad Al-Azza, lauded the participatory relationship between the HCD and the municipality, expressing the HCD's readiness to continue providing the necessary technical and supervisory support to the municipality's cadres to ensure that the requirements of access for persons with disabilities are provided within this project and future projects.

For his part, the President of Yarmouk University, Islam Massad, underscored the university's keenness to provide the necessary support to students with disabilities, noting that the university will set a time frame within an executive plan to prepare the university to ensure the right of male and female students with disabilities to move and access the campus freely and independently.

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