King listens to Parliament's replies

17-11-2013 02:19 PM

Ammon News - Senate’s Reply to the Speech from the Throne

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Blessings and peace be upon the most honourable Messenger, Mohammad, the honest Arab Hashemite Prophet, and his family and companions,

Your Majesty King Abdullah II ibin Al Hussein, may God preserve your Throne and support you,

Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you,

The Senate is honoured to stand in Your Majesty’s presence at the blessed Raghadan Palace, the fortress of legitimacy and the venue where all started. We seize the occasion to extend to Your Majesty our sincere thanks and deep gratitude for opening the ordinary session of the 17th Parliament and delivering the Speech from the Throne, which was deep, inclusive and with clear guidelines and vision. It added a new solid building block to the structure of the Jordanian democratic model.

Your Majesty,
The Speech from the Throne placed the Parliament before its historic responsibilities, urging its members to work hard to build on the achievements already made and set the requirements of progress, especially in the field of political reform, which is a dynamic and continuous process based on quantitative and qualitative accumulations. Under your wise leadership, we have achieved substantial constitutional amendments that enhanced the matrix of freedoms and consolidated separation between the branches of government. The Constitutional Court and the Independent Elections Commission was established, along with the several other achievements.

In this context, the Senate deems that the Election and Political Parties laws constitute together the most essential requirement to build the modern democratic state and enhance the parliamentary pillar of our political system. Therefore, we need to develop these laws to achieve the main goal of democracy, namely, arriving at platform-based parliamentary governments formed by the Lower House majority, while the minority will represent the national opposition to disputed government’s programmes. The two parties will be comprised of blocs and platform-based political parties. Consequently, governments will be rotated between the components of the Lower House.

The Senate agrees with Your Majesty regarding the evolution of the role of Monarchy and its constitutional responsibilities. The Monarchy has always been, and will remain, the guarantor of Jordan’s values and principles of pluralism, democracy and safeguarded balance between the branches of government. It has earned Jordan its strategic edge, manifested in the coherence of its national fabric, protected security and stability and ensured economic, social and political development.

Your Majesty,
The Speech from the Throne underlined that the Parliament is the incubator of democracy and national dialogue. Through that, we can entrench democratic practices which require, first and foremost, an excellent performance, embracing pluralism, accepting the opinion of the majority and respecting the opinions of the others. Both Chambers of the Parliament will work with efficiency and harmony in line with these guidelines.

Your Majesty,
With all clarity, the Speech from the Throne single out one of major problems we face, namely, the need for the government administration to improve its performance to the highest levels of professionalism and efficiency. This requires tremendous efforts by the governments to train leaders, embrace a culture of excellence, develop the means and procedures of service delivery, comply with clear standards of the quality of the services offered, entrench the concept of transparency in the related procedures and place the national interest above personal interests, especially with regard to selecting leaders for higher administrative posts. To complete administrative reform, local administration must be developed and the Decentralisation and Municipalities laws must be enacted.

Your Majesty,
The independence of the judiciary as a pillar of the good citizenship and the prevalence of justice has been at the core of your directives to consecutive governments. The civil state that enforces the law with firmness and fairness without discrimination is the type of state that gives all citizens access to file complaints with a just and impartial judiciary. The country has gone a long way in taking its judicial system to the highest levels of professionalism and impartiality. Yet, there are things to be done in this field, through intensive training programmes and practical improvements to the litigation process and information management and archiving so as to ensure judges access to the necessary data when needed. But the more important step at this stage is to develop judiciary-related legislation to be compatible with the constitutional amendments.

Your Majesty,
The valuable initiative you have launched to form the Royal Committee for Enhancing the National Integrity System was necessary to build a nation-wide effort to combat corruption and instil a system of integrity. To reach a consensus over the outcome of the panel’s mission, the entire political, economic, social and cultural spectra of the Jordanian society were engaged in formulating this system as you have directed the committee to hold national dialogues with all the components society, in all governorates.

The Senate has looked at the draft plan of the national integrity. As it appreciates its positive points, it looks forward to see it discussed at the planned national conference in preparation for its endorsement. The Senate will then adopt it as part of its legislative and oversight role.

Your Majesty,
Under your wise leadership, Jordan has made wide strides in enhancing public freedoms and citizens’ right to express their opinions and respect others’ in line with the provisions of the law. The Senate highly appreciates the Speech from the Throne for clearly referring to citizenship as a basic element in the building of the modern state, as it guarantees justice, equality and participation and consolidates the sense of belonging to the nation. In this context, the Senate expresses its full conviction of the complementary roles of the legislative, executive and judicial branches, along with free and responsible media. It believes that such integration of national efforts leads to enhancing freedoms and rights and takes performance to a level that meets Your Majesty’s ambitions and the aspirations of your faithful people.

Media outlets have a vital role to play in this context, namely, to serve as a platform for meaningful national dialogue, with full adherence to professional standards and impartiality and reliance on documented information and profound ideas, in a manner that enriches intellectual and political pluralism, away from sensationalism, exaggeration, self-flagellation and belittling achievements. To enable the media to play such a role, the laws regulating this sector must enhance press freedoms and ensure access to information in line with the provisions of the Constitution.

Your Majesty,
Regarding economic reform, the Speech from The Throne outlined an integrated strategic economic development plan and defined the roles of the various concerned institutions in this field. The Speech requested the government and Parliament to improve their performance and join action and engage in a constructive and continuous dialogue to achieve the goals of this plan, whose ultimate objective is to raise the standards of livings for Jordanians and improve the quality of their life. Your Majesty has stressed that achieving such a goal must be linked to a socio-economic paradigm that ensures balance between the various segments of society, protects consumers and safeguards their rights, expands the middle class and directs subsidies to those who deserve them.

The Senate deems that the efforts exerted in this context require cooperation between all state and private institutions and civil society organisations to put forward an integrated action plan to translate the main points included in the Speech from the Throne into an executive programme in which the responsibilities of each party are defined, along with a fixed timeframe to complete each job in accordance with set standards. The Senate will sincerely work to be an effective and honest actor in this national endeavour.

Your Majesty,
The Speech from the Throne emphasised the importance of balance between work to address imbalances in the public finance, on the one hand, and the need to stimulate investment and increase the competitiveness of the national economy, on the other.

The Senate asserts that such a wise policy is the best way for Jordan out of the public finance crisis it is facing and to achieve sustainable economic growth, so that our country, God willing, will achieve self-reliance in funding its recurring and capital budgets.

Your Majesty,
You have stressed that reform is a process of revival that is inclusive of all aspects of life: political, economic, cultural, social and educational. Under your leadership, Jordan has made significant strides on the road to educational reform, which is a pillar in efforts to build the Jordanian individual’s character and scientific and cultural knowledge base. The Senate stresses the need to continue the educational reform so that the outcomes of the educational process meet the constantly changing market needs. Your Majesty has set clear principles and rules to guide and measure comprehensive reform. The Senate underlines the need for all to commit to these rules, including:
Applying decentralisation to expand public participation in decision-making at the level of individual governorates.
Continued communication between officials and citizens in their locations and work places.
Partnership between the public and private sectors.
Encouraging civil society institutions to contribute effectively to decision-making.
Activating the role of the media as a platform for national dialogue and dissemination of information.
Strengthening the mechanisms of applying the principles of social justice and social solidarity.
Improving the performance of public and private institutions.
Applying the principles of good governance.
Fair distribution of development gains and burdens.
Implementing the Governorates’ Development Plan.
All these pillars are of extreme importance and should serve as a beacon for all. The Senate vows to work within the spirit of these guidelines.

Your Majesty,
Jordan is strong with its wise leadership, and is proud of the will of its conscious people who endures hardships for the sake of the higher national interests. Jordanians stand behind your leadership with a deep-rooted faith and unwavering conviction to achieve the prosperity, invincibility, security and stability of their country.

Similarly, our entire faithful people is proud of its military and security institution, which stands as a guard to protect the interests of the homeland, sacrificing every precious thing to ensure security and defend our higher interests and protect peoples’ rights. Consequently, this Arab Hashemite sanctuary will remain capable of supporting its Arab brethren and their causes, out of its historical pan-nationalist stand it inherited from the Great Arab Revolt and its principles of freedom, social justice, unity and equality.

Against this backdrop, Jordan’s position on the Syrian crisis has proved right. From the very beginning, the Kingdom adhered to a pan-nationalist humanitarian stand, supporting a comprehensive political solution to the Syrian problem that brings an end to the bloodshed and the suffering the brotherly Syrian people has endured since 2011, ensures the unity of the Syrian people and land and enables Syrians to reach national reconciliation, restore security and stability and start reconstruction. Jordan has suffered and is still suffering as a result of this crisis, especially as it assumed its pan-nationalist and humanitarian role of embracing the Syrian brethren, despite the adverse impact of that on its interests. The Senate demands the entire world to help Jordan shoulder the burdens ensuing from the Syrian crisis, especially in its efforts to provide aid to the hundreds of thousands of Syrian brothers and sisters on its territory. The Senate and your entire faithful people stand in one line with you as you take all the necessary measures to protect Jordan and its interests if the international support does not rise to the required level.

Your Majesty,
The establishment of an independent Palestinian state that meets the aspirations of the brotherly Palestinian people is a right to which the Palestinians are entitled. At the same time, it constitutes a Jordanian strategic interest. The Palestinian issue is the foremost Arab cause and its solution should come within the framework of international legitimacy resolutions. Accordingly, the Senate appreciates your positive and significant role in pushing forward the entire peace process and safeguarding the higher interests of Jordan inherent in the final status issues, in a way that sets the minds of both peoples, the Jordanian and the Palestinian, at ease, assured that their entities, identities and future are preserved, and reinforces our internal front.

Your Majesty,
The Senate extends to Your Majesty its appreciation and gratitude for your protection of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. Your custodianship of these shrines is a historical tradition you have kept under all circumstances and times. Your support of the Awqaf in Jerusalem and Palestine and the great role you play in preserving these sites on that sacred land is an example to follow in honouring promises, respect of monotheist religions and observance of the teachings of true Islam. Again, the Senate commends Your Majesty’s efforts, and prays that God help you shoulder this great historical responsibility.

Your Majesty,
The Senate voices its deep appreciation of your wise leadership with regards to the way Your Majesty manages the impact of the Arab Spring and the global financial crisis on our country. We also appreciate your deep insight and relentless efforts to crystallise and build a democratic model stemming from Jordan’s cultural, human and social heritage, in conformity with the principles of freedom, justice, citizenship, national unity and equality. We at the Senate vow to perform our legislative, oversight and accountability role, in a way that serves the higher interests of the country, seeking a free and decent life for our one Jordanian people within the context of true democracy.

Your Majesty,
We thank you and renew our allegiance to you; and we pray to God to keep you as the honest guardian of your faithful people and a supporter of our Arab and Islamic nation.

Long live Jordan; long live the King

Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

The House of Representatives’ Reply to the Speech from the Throne

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Praise be due to God, Lord of the Universe.

Blessings and peace be upon His honourable Messenger, Mohammad, the honest Arab Hashemite Prophet.

"Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties"

Your Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, may God preserve and protect you,

Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you,

The 17th Lower House is honoured to extend to Your Majesty our appreciation and allegiance, thanking you for inaugurating the first ordinary session of Parliament, to enhance democracy which the Hashemites, with the support of all Jordanians, embraced as the approach to modernisation and development, activate public participation in decision making and maximise the importance of the parliamentary pillar in the Jordanian political system based on the Constitution.

Your Majesty,
After listening to the Speech from the Throne, the Lower House appreciates its content, which serves as a beacon for all the branches of government as they seek to carry on with reform and construction and consolidate democracy that is based on the will of the people who aspires to freedom, justice and a better life in a state of institutions and rule of the law. As you envisioned it, our country will, as s result, be always safe and secure and a model of good governance and democracy, founded on active participation by your noble people in decision making. It will be a country where the values of citizenship and loyalty are deep-rooted and where the ambitions will be realised through further development and modernisation of legislation. Through this, we usher in a new era of political action and streamlined relations between the legislative and executive branches and political parties, so as to reinforce the pillars of our reform process that is supported by constitutional amendments. These amendments have led to the creation of vitally important institutions as far as democracy is concerned, like the Independent Elections Commission and the Constitutional Court, so as to complete democratization, entrench separation between the branches of government and safeguard people’s rights and public freedoms.

The Lower House believes that protecting rights and freedoms is the basis of justice, the essence of citizenship and the most important pillar in the democratic structure. Homelands are protected by free men who are confident and capable of building the nation. The House will work on reviewing all the laws governing rights and freedoms and develop them in line with the requirements of a modern civil state, and in harmony with our international commitments. The Lower House will also support the Independent Elections Commission and the Constitutional Court as independent constitutional agencies that reflect Jordan’s image as a civilised state and its democratic approach, to empower them to perform their duties in accordance with international best practices and to become centres of excellence in terms of performance and achievement.

Your Majesty,
The Lower House believes in the importance of paving the road for the stage of parliamentary governments, which started with consultations under the Dome. The House appreciates the future outlook of His Majesty regarding the evolution of Monarchy, hand-in-hand with the progress in the reform process, evolution of platform-based political parties and emergence of parliamentary alliances that enable the formation of Cabinets by a parliamentary government, paralleled by a shadow government comprising minority parties. All of this should progress simultaneously with efforts to improve the work of the government and Parliament through organised development of the role of Monarchy and its responsibilities represented in maintaining the balance and harmony between the branches of government, ensuring freedom, pluralism and democracy and safeguarding the security and stability of the country, until the constitutional monarchy takes its final shape. The Lower House is guided by Your Majesty’s vision and takes your directives seriously. It has recently endorsed its internal bylaws, incorporating in them provisions that lay the foundation for the stage of platform-based parliamentary blocs with the aim of developing the work of the House and modernise its mechanisms in anticipation of parliamentary governments. In continuation of this democratic approach, the House will revisit the Elections and Political Parties laws, in implementation of Your Majesty’s vision and response to the aspirations of our Jordanian people, who seek just laws that support their interests, reflect reality in the community and contribute to the emergence of organised political powers. The Lower House is keen on enhancing this approach to serve the interests of the country and the people, away from personal gains or political bickering. All of this should come in coordination and consultation with the government without any meaningless differences between the two sides, yet the House will keep performing its oversight and legislative duties.

Your Majesty,
The Lower House realises the need to move to political and administrative decentralisation. It will work on all pieces of legislation governing such a plan, including the Municipalities Law, to enhance public participation, better the performance of state agencies and reduce the decision-making circles so as to achieve inclusive and sustainable development and entrench security and stability for the generations to come. The House appreciates your initiative to set up the Governorates Development Fund and the ensuing government plan to upgrade infrastructure and improve the quality of health, education and transportation services, along with rendering governorates investment-friendly environments based on their respective competitive edges. This will generate jobs, reduce poverty and unemployment rates and improve citizens’ quality of life. The House will assume its role of monitoring government programmes and plans designed to increase economic growth, improve productivity, an investment-attractive environment and realise self-reliance. In the process, we should learn from past mistakes and translate that into practices on the ground that reflect positively on the revival and prosperity of the national economy. This necessitates that the government submit to Parliament the draft laws that can achieve these goals.

Your Majesty,
The Lower House believes that our reform process requires amending several legislations so as to render them compatible with the Constitutions and within the set deadline, to prevent duplication and clash. This is a joint responsibility that cannot be shouldered by the House alone, although its role is vital in this context. The Chamber hopes that the government would perform all its duties in this regard. The Lower House will work at full capacity to look into all the pieces of legislation essential for the reform and development process, including the State Security Court and the Independence of the Judiciary laws, and endorse them after they are submitted.

Your Majesty,
Deputies have realised the magnitude of inefficiency in the public administration apparatus and the degree of deterioration in its performance, in addition to the plummeting productivity and deep-rooted centralisation in decision making at times and slowness and reluctance in taking decisions at others. This has reflected adversely on the majority of services offered to our people in towns, badia, rural areas and refugee camps. All of this has, in turn, reflected in fading public confidence in the state agencies and mounting criticism of their performance. Aware of the importance of the public administration apparatus and that of all its agencies, the Lower House endorsed in its non-ordinary session a law governing the restructuring of government agencies and departments, with the aim of preventing clashing jurisdictions and duties and waste of funds, in addition to achieving social and economic justice and avoiding wrong practices that have caused damage to the image and prestige of the state. The House will support all government plans and policies that support innovation, excellence, motivation of employees, productivity enhancement and better performance, so that citizens can sense the results of the White Revolution Your Majesty launched in the Speech from the Throne.

Your Majesty,
Because justice is the basis of governance, the Lower House is keen to realise the values of justice, integrity, rule of law and law enforcement on all without discrimination or favouritism. In fulfilment of that, the House has set up, as part of the new internal bylaws, a committee of integrity, transparency and fact-finding tasked with following up all matters related to financial and administrative corruption in state institutions and graft-combating measures. The panel will also study the outcomes of the Royal Committee for Enhancing the National Integrity System to benefit from them.

The House stresses the necessity to provide the judiciary with all its needs to be able to perform its duties in serving justice, so that the judiciary will remain the protector of democracy and a fortress to safeguard the country’s achievements and assets.

10/ King listens to Parliament's replies ... FINAL ADD

Your Majesty,
The Lower House, which represents the will of our great people, realises its huge responsibility to enroot democracy and a culture of dialogue. Despite some mistakes that will not be repeated, God willing, the Chamber will remain an incubator of the values of dialogue, pluralism and opinion and counter opinion. To enhance such orientation, the House introduced in its internal bylaws a conduct and discipline committee and drafted the code of parliamentary conduct Your Majesty had referred to. The aim is to start a new stage of work and achievement, adjust behaviour in line with democratic practices, preserve the prestige of the House, enhance voter confidence in it and achieve stability in parliamentary work.

Your Majesty,
The Lower House is aware of the seriousness of the regional and global economic crises and their impact on our economic situation internally. Therefore, it emphasises the need for the political reform track to go in parallel with the economic reform track, so as to push forward the process of development and growth and, ultimately, achieve prosperity. This requires the highest degree of cooperation between the government and the Lower House, and that each shoulder its responsibilities to stand up to face all challenges to revive the national economy and meet the requirements of development. It also requires the engagement of the various sectors and civil society in drawing up the plans and programmes necessary to drive the economy to the safety harbour.

The House appreciates Your Majesty’s directives to the government to adopt field work and reach out to citizens in their local communities to win their confidence and entrench decision making in a decentralised context, away from bureaucracy and red tape.

Your Majesty,
Secured supply of energy at reasonable prices and generated from local sources is a challenge that should be a key component of the government’s policies. Although previous governments drafted a strategy for energy to achieve this goal, none of them applied this plan. None of them has either succeeded in providing alternative sources of energy, or managed to lower the cost of energy. In light of the global crisis and the rising prices of oil, gas and heavy fuel, and due to political and security instability in the region and the ensuing disruption in gas supplies, governments have to attach adequate attention to this issue. But none has sensed any sincerity in finding sustainable and effective solutions to this problem so far. The governments still rely on external solutions and unfeasible programmes to address the crisis, while reluctant to invest directly in energy and alternative energy projects, like oil, gas, oil shale and solar and wind power, among others. The programmes on which the government has placed its bets are of limited feasibility and do not deliver, a matter which jeopardises energy security in Jordan. Therefore, we see that the government has to expedite efforts to find workable and effective solutions to address the energy crisis, which constitutes the heaviest burden on the state budget.

Your Majesty,
Jordan’s stand on the crisis in sisterly Syria, under your leadership, is truly nationalist and humanitarian, as it emphasises the need to adopt a comprehensive political solution that preserves the unity of the Syrian people and territories through a political transition inclusive of all the segments of the Syrian population. Jordan has been and will remain a safe haven for those whose countries have become too unsafe for them. Jordanians, under the Hashemite leadership, have always opened their arms and hearts to brothers and friends. As the House welcomes the Syrian brethren in Jordan, it appeals to the international community to shoulder its responsibility of aiding Jordan to enable it to provide essential services to the Syrian refugees, especially after their numbers have exceeded all forecasts. The Lower House stands behind Your Majesty and supports you in taking any measure you deem necessary to protect the interests of our people and country.

The House appreciates the role of our brave and proud Armed Forces and security agencies, the homeland’s invincible shield and fortress, which work relentlessly and whose members are sacrificing every precious thing to defend the security of the homeland and protect its achievements. We vow to provide them with all the support they need and extend to them our salutations and regards. We want them to be the leader’s source of pride and protectors of people’s safety and security.

Your Majesty,
Your efforts to support the Palestinian brethren in the negotiations and your continuous defence and backing of the Palestinian cause in international events are a source of pride for us all. The Lower House emphasises that the peace process should lead to a just solution to the Palestinian issue based on international legitimacy resolutions, the Arab Peace Initiative and the two-state solution, within a fixed timeframe and with [East] Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state.

The House also stresses that the Arab nation should shoulder its responsibilities and confront all Israeli attempts and plans to Judaise Jerusalem and change its identity.

Your Majesty,
As free men, we in the Lower House vow to continue with our parliamentary work based on the Constitution, perform our duties to the best of our ability, to cooperate with the executive and judicial branches of government and gear all our efforts toward serving this homeland and its leadership and people and to defend its security and stability. Our willpower is fuelled by Your Majesty’s strong resolve.

Despite the obstacles and difficulties, we are confident in the ability of all Jordanians and in your wise leadership to rise to the challenge and undertake our responsibilities with courage, firmness and strong will.

"(This will be) their cry therein: "Glory to Thee, O Allah." And "Peace" will be their greeting therein! and the close of their cry will be: "Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!"

Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

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